
发布日期:2018-06-04 来源:财富国际在线 阅读:


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题主你这个问题很有趣,我刷了一些资料看到了不少好玩的东西,于是翻译了The Straight Dope: Why does so much ancient Greek art feature males with small genitalia? 这篇专栏文章。里面的配图是我找的,是我不熟的东西,文章本身没提。文艺复兴艺术作品本身有着回归希腊古典和现实主义美学的浪潮,因此这篇文章是有用的。

Why does so much ancient Greek art feature males with small genitalia?Q2s财富国际


December 9, 2005Q2s财富国际

Dear Cecil:Q2s财富国际

Why is it that ancient Greek and Roman paintings, sculptures, and other works of art depict males with such small genitalia? My first thought was that the artists wished to draw the viewer's attention to other, more important, aspects of the work. However, my roommate has pointed out that this treatment has the opposite effect. I really don't think evolution has treated us as kindly as this artwork might lead us to believe. So why the small penises?Q2s财富国际

— Phil, Los AngelesQ2s财富国际



— Phil, 洛杉矶Q2s财富国际

Phil, it's time we had a little talk about the Greeks.Q2s财富国际


You remember the Greeks. They were the guys (and it was mostly guys--women at the time were mainly relegated to childbearing and housekeeping or sex objecthood, and were seldom heard from) who pretty much invented what we now think of as Western civilization. Their ideas about culture and society, which the Romans copied, influence us to this day. The Greeks also . . . well, we'll get into a discussion of Greek sexual preferences some other time. For now let's just say they were fascinated by male beauty, and in particular by (ahem) the penis.Q2s财富国际


The Greeks weren't shy about displaying their manly attributes. Nudity was celebrated in Greece as in no culture before or since. We're so used to nude classical sculpture and painting that we figure that's how everybody walked around back in those days. In fact, however, male nudity in art and among athletes and warriors was largely confined to the ancient Greeks, for whom it became a point of pride--they considered embarrassment at having to disrobe for sports a sign of barbarism. Admiration of the manly form at times verged on the cultlike; the more heroic bits of male sculpture, small penis or no, have an erotic charge that can make even a straight male sweat. Naked women were depicted too, but less often, and you sometimes get the feeling the artist's heart wasn't in it.Q2s财富国际


The penis shows up in Greek art a lot--big ones as well as small ones. For example, there's the temple of Dionysus on the island of Delos, which features giant stone penises carved in the third century BC. Decapitated now, they're still impressively scaled and in a state of salute. (The academic term describing this condition, incidentally, is ithyphallic.)Q2s财富国际



Sculptural depictions of the erect penis were an everyday sight in the classical world. A common boundary marker and household totem in ancient Greece was the herm, originally a representation of the god Hermes. It consisted of a head on top of a simple squarish pillar--your basic supersized Pez dispenser--unadorned except for, in front, an amply proportioned, usually erect, and sometimes arrestingly protrusive penis and scrotum. Scholars tell us that such decorations were apotropaic (you learn a lot of vocabulary in this field)--that is, intended to ward off evil, and that folks back then paid no more attention to them than we would to a lucky horseshoe. Maybe. All I'm saying is, stuff that even now we'd consider hard-core porn you saw then just walking down to the Piraeus.Q2s财富国际






The ancients were also unembarrassed by graphic displays of sex. Greek men--to be precise, male Greek aristocrats--figured if it moved, they could have sex with it, or at least look at pictures about having sex with it. We have countless examples of crockery showing various combinations of humans, deities, and the occasional animal engaged in the amatory act, most of it presumably used as party favors to put the lads in the mood. Even in painterly scenes having nothing to do with sex the genitalia were often conspicuously displayed.Q2s财富国际


From this vast array of XXX-rated artwork we can make a few deductions about Greek aesthetic preferences, genitaliawise (here I mainly follow Kenneth Dover's landmark study Greek Homosexuality, 1978): (1) Long, thick penises were considered--at least in the highbrow view-- grotesque, comic, or both and were usually found on fertility gods, half-animal critters such as satyrs, ugly old men, and barbarians. A circumcised penis was particularly gross. (2) The ideal penis was small, thin, and covered with a long, tapered foreskin. Dover thinks the immature male's equipment was especially admired, which may account not only for the small size but the scarcity of body hair in classical art. A passage from Aristophanes sums up the most desirable masculine features: "a gleaming chest, bright skin, broad shoulders, tiny tongue, strong buttocks, and a little prick."Q2s财富国际

从这些XXX级的艺术品中,我们可以得到一个关于希腊的美学倾向推断,杰宝化(这里我主要追随了Kenneth Dover的里程碑著作研究,希腊同性恋,1978年):(1)长,粗的阴茎被认为——至少在高雅的观点看来——是奇形怪状,滑稽或者两者都有的,通常会用在丰收之神,半兽人例如萨提尔,丑陋的老男人和野蛮人身上。一个切过包皮的阴茎是有些粗俗的。(2)一个理想的阴茎是小,细,覆盖着长长的锥形的包皮。Dover认为未成年男性的阴茎那会儿特别被赞美,不止要小还要没有毛。一段阿里斯托芬的引文归纳了最吸引人的男性体征:“微微反光的胸膛,光洁的皮肤,宽阔的肩膀,纤细的舌头,强壮的臀部,还有一个小鸡鸡。”Q2s财富国际


You're thinking: How times have changed. Ain't arguing. Of course, we do have to take into account a contributing factor: artists' models were nude, and their studios lacked central heat.Q2s财富国际


古希腊已发明了在地板下铺设管道进行供暖的地暖系统,这是和古希腊地暖结构类似的古罗马式Hypocaust,遗址位于西班牙巴伦西亚省的La Olmeda。Q2s财富国际

— Cecil AdamsQ2s财富国际


The Straight Dope: Why does so much ancient Greek art feature males with small genitalia?

The Renaissance

Human penis size 这个条目太好玩了Q2s财富国际

Central heating 夜明前的琉璃色提醒的古希腊地暖Q2s财富国际


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