
发布日期:2018-06-09 来源:财富国际在线 阅读:


白书旭 5小时前 62 爱因斯坦 物理 相对论
有人了解这么方面的事吗? 其理论是靠臆想提出的还是根据确切的事实推理出来的?
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我很好奇 @Albert Anne 同志是哪里来的勇气在这里信口开河的。
我查到了爱因斯坦于1905年发表的文章ON THE ELECTRODYNAMICS OF MOVING BODIES的原文(见On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies),文中一共五次提到Maxwell-Hertz Equations(这就是那个年代对现在所说的Maxwell Equations的称呼,详见History of Maxwell's equations)


It was more than seventeen years ago that I had an idea of developing the theory of relativity for the first time. While I cannot say exactly where that thought came from, I am certain that it was contained in the problem of the optical properties of moving bodies. Light propagates through the sea of ether, in which the Earth is moving. In other words, the ether is moving with respect to the Earth. I tried to find clear experimental evidence for the flow of the ether in the literature of physics, but in vain.
Then I myself wanted to verify the flow of the ether with respect to the Earth, in other words, the motion of the Earth. When I first thought about this problem, I did not doubt the existence of the ether or the motion of the Earth through it. I thought of the following experiment using two thermocouples: Set up mirrors so that the light from a single source is to be reflected in two different directions, one parallel to the motion of the Earth and the other antiparallel. If we assume that there is an energy difference between the two reflected beams, we can measure the difference in the generated heat using two thermocouples. Although the idea of this experiment is very similar to that of Michelson, I did not put this experiment to the test.
While I was thinking of this problem in my student years, I came to know the strange result of Michelson's experiment. Soon I came to the conclusion that our idea about the motion of the Earth with respect to the ether is incorrect, if we admit Michelson's null result as a fact. This was the first path which led me to the special theory of relativity. Since then I have come to believe that the motion of the Earth cannot be detected by any optical experiment, though the Earth is revolving around the Sun.
引自How I created the theory of relativity,爱因斯坦于1922年12月14日。可以清除地看出,MM实验对老爱的思想也有着深远的影响。


顺便,老兄你连coordinate system和frame of reference的区别都没弄清楚么……
热心网民 4小时前 0条评论
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朗道《朗道理论物理学 力学卷》
相对论依据1 麦克斯韦发展起来的电动力学理论。电动力学可以自然地推出光速的值。这个值是定值,但没有指出是对什么参考系而言。那么这个值究竟对哪个【绝对参考系】而言呢?还是对所有参考系而言呢?大家展开了讨论,觉得用事实说话。(所有物理定律对所有惯性参考系都成里的话,那么光速就应该对所有参考系都是同一个值)
相对论依据2 MM实验(迈克尔逊-莫雷实验 Michelson-Morley Experiment)。这个实验表明,光速确实不受参考系选择的影响。好了,事实如此,确实可以把这个作为理论的假设。(感谢 @Albert Anne 的指正)
相对论依据3 能量和动量的守恒这个实验事实。这个保证了时空性质的均匀性,可以确保洛伦兹变换是线性的。如果时空性质不均,洛伦兹变换将是非线性的。爱因斯坦说了出来,但没有明确说明这是个假定,是因为这在当时物理学家脑海里是常识般的存在(就像高斯时代研究函数默认可微函数),但不代表这不是依据。



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