
发布日期:2018-06-06 来源:财富国际在线 阅读:
北京市语言大学和上海外国语大学哪个更符合外国人? 匿名用户 5小时前 162 上海外国语大学 北京的大学 大学 有个朋友,外国人,想去中国留学。北京语言大学和上海外国语大学,不知道怎么选。有亲能给给建议么?翻译专业。我觉得两个大学都挺好的。挺难选的。谢谢!
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北语与其说是教中国人外语,他的定位实际上更应该说是教外国人中文的学校。汉语进修学院整个一个学院就专门干这个的。这里有灵活的课程编排(从一周的课程到三年的课程,从汉语速成到汉语研究,各种课程都有),有最丰富的对外汉语教学经验、实力和资源,有数不清的外国友人校友… 要说推荐国内小语种学生选学校我可能会说北外上外外经贸都是很好的选择,而对外国人选择汉语学习这方面,北语的优势是得天独厚,实力也是最雄厚的
另外孔子学院总部,HSK总部,可都在北语。现在主流的对外汉语教材大多是北语出的。外派孔院教师必须到北语参加培训,来自世界各国众多的不同行业的国际友人曾从这里毕业(从一般工人到国家总理)… 所以来北语是个多么合适的选择呀~

♦In 1962, the Higher Preparatory School for Foreign Students was established.


In 1978, the institute became the first in the country to offer international students an officially approved undergraduate degree in Chinese, and was among the first to offer short-term training in Chinese as well.♦
In 1985, the institute was among the first in China to offer an undergraduate degree in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language.

♦ 6 levels of courses from the very beginner’s to advanced;
♦ Tailor-made courses and text materials based on the results of placement test;
♦ More than 20 elective courses, including HSK Test Preparation, Business Chinese, Chinese Culture taught in English, Chinese Music, Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Painting, Taichi, etc.;
♦ Diversified programs: regular and intensive Chinese Courses, In-service Training Program for Teachers of Chinese Language, Business Chinese for in-service company staff, “Beijing Study Tour” Summer Camp, Parent-Child Summer Camp, and customized curriculum for group applicants;
♦ Extracurricular activities – cultural tour in Beijing and other cities, enjoying sports, theatre, the performance arts, and social soirees ;
♦ School certificate and transcripts will be awarded; credits can be transferred;
♦ Partnership with more than 280 overseas universities and educational institutions -- BLCU organizes various Study Abroad programs during summer and winter vocation. These programs provide all the students with an opportunity to study in famous universities and colleges in other countries and experience their diversified cultures.

热心网民 5小时前 0条评论
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如果是学中文的话首选肯定是北京语言大学了,北语是以对外汉语立校的。教学师资力量和教学经验肯定是很好的。而且对于学习标准的普通话而言,还是来北京比较好 Kevin 5小时前 0条评论
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