
发布日期:2018-06-08 来源:财富国际在线 阅读:
“回首自己之浑人死”该怎么翻译为英文? JACKIEXIA 5小时前 144 英语 陈谌的《时光若刻》最后一段看了特别感动,想把那一段都翻译成英文的,感觉这一句是灵魂。所以想请教一下大家。《时光若刻》全文见 时光若刻 陈谌,如果有兴趣,可以把最后一段都翻译一下,谢谢!
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我自己的翻译是“Recollect my entire life” 52Heartz 4小时前 0条评论
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"Well, I'm doing a survey recently, and I wanna know your answer to it", he said.
"What's that? "
"If you could know exact time when death is coming to you, will you ask him? "
"Of course, why not? "I answered with no hesitation.
"And then? What would you do? ",he replied surprisingly.
"I would lie on my bed, 19 months and 18 days before he come. "
"And then? "
"Playback my life"
JACKIEXIA 4小时前 0条评论
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