
发布日期:2018-06-10 来源:财富国际在线 阅读:
怎迅速提高英语的创作能力,若是一旦背一点东西,足以坐什么? 刘宇波 1小时前 142 文学 英语
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1)如何迅速提高英语写作?嗯,提高英语写作容易。要做到迅速难。我认为唯一的途径是多写。要想迅速,每天的量就要相应大一些。简单地说,每天在英语写作上所花费的时间如果是4个小时,进步肯定比每天只花半个小时要来得迅速。当然,在保证量的情况下,就需要考虑质。个人推荐 http://lang-8.com免费让母语者帮助你修改你的英语文章。不过你也要花时间修改学习汉语的老外的中文文章。但是我觉得这个事儿很有意思。一方面,这个过程可以让你反过来更深刻地思考中文,这将帮助你思考语言的本质,进而帮助你学习英文。(反正我和老外用英文探讨了很多中英文的区别以后,觉得收获很大)另一方面,你也能和老外探讨更多更深入的话题。阅读别人的观点,思考怎么回复,尽量把自己的观点摆出来,个人认为这是绝佳的锻炼写作的过程。

随便附一张图,下面是我和一名美国人从dating language讨论到了美国的political correctness. 他给我写了一大段reply,在我看来这是篇很好的文章。这样的例子还很多,比如我还和日本朋友探讨日本人的平均英语水平如何... 和俄罗斯朋友用英文探讨应该怎么学中文... 让美国朋友给我推荐美剧... 等等等等。我现在在lang-8上用于回复别人的时间已经多于自己写journal的时间了。当然,lang-8的优点是有native speakers帮你修改。如果你在写作方面已经不会犯什么初级错误了的话,用quora更好。由于在lang-8上写作要考虑到让别人修改,有的时候会刻意不要写得太长,尤其是水平差的时候,不然别人不愿意给你改......


其实我一直特别讨厌背东西。所以我也不知道应该背什么。但是在lang-8上我认识了一位叫Sedgehead的老爷爷,他是一个科研工作者。大家都知道,科研工作者要经常进行学术写作。他也经常修改中国人的文章。在这个过程里,他总结了中国人英语写作常犯的错误(或者是可以改进的地方)。我全部看了一遍,觉得非常受启发。这些内容不是系统的写作方法论,而是他从一个native speaker的角度看,中国人写作经常出问题的点都在哪里。按照他的说法,他在lang-8上给中国人改文章,大部分原则性的错误都来自这些。基本上参照这些点一条一条对着看就好了。我们可以想象,如果我们能记住这些要点,犯错误的机会将大大减少。不过这个世界没有灵丹妙药,这些内容只是点缀。语法和词汇这些罪基本的内容永远是基础。

在这里,我把他列出的要素又归纳整理了一下,用中文描述,和大家分享。希望对大家有帮助。文章原作者来自:Sedgehead. 原文链接:SedgeHead.com

下文并不是这篇文章的逐字翻译稿。我打乱了他原文介绍的内容的顺序,对一些内容进行了合并。同时对于很多点,加入了我自己的理解。因为原文其实写的比较乱= = 可能是因为作者随时发现了新的问题随时往上填加吧。整体可能会比较长,大家可以收藏下来,如果时间不充裕,每天消化一点儿,很快就会看完。但要想应用好,确实还需要大量的练习。

另外,由于Sedgehead是一位科学研究工作者,所以很多地方可能会比较苛刻(比如最后一条... = =)。不过大家多了解一下,也没什么不好:)

===== 我是骄傲的分割线,因为下面是干货 =====



比如下面这一段,描写Jon Snow刚刚来到Castle Black的时候,和他“将来的小伙伴们”打了一场架。
He flew at Toad, knocked him backward over a bench, and landed on his chest with both hands on his throat, slamming his head against the packed earth.
不仅如此,在一些景物描写上也是如此。下面一段是从Jon Snow的视角,描写他所看到的The Wall. 我觉得文字极其优美。请大家仔细体会其中的主动语态。这么长的一段,只有一个被动语态在最后。我后续会讲被动语态的意义。大家也可以想想自己要做同样的描写会怎样写。我敢肯定,很多人会不自觉的使用很多被动语态。
By the time Jon left the armory, it was almost midday. The sun had broken through the clouds. He turned his back on it and lifted his eyes to the Wall, blazing blue and crystalline in the sunlight. Even after all these weeks, the sight of it still gave him the shivers. Centuries of windblown dirt had pocked and scoured it, covering it like a film, and it often seemed a pale grey, the color of an overcast sky... but when the sun caught it fair on a bright day, it shone, alive with light, a colossal blue-white cliff that filled up half the sky.

The largest structure ever built by the hands of man, Benjen Stark had told Jon on the kingsroad when they had first caught sight of the Wall in the distance. "And beyond a doubt the most useless," Tyrion Lannister had added with a grin, but even the Imp grew silent as they rode closer. You could see it from miles off, a pale blue line across the northern horizon, stretching away to the east and west and vanishing in the far distance, immense and unbroken. This is the end of the world, it seemd to say.

When they finally spied Castle Black, its timbered keeps and stone towers looked like nothing more than a handful of toy blocks scattered on the snow, beneath the vast wall of ice. The ancient stronghold of the black brothers was no Winterfell, no true castle at all. Lacking walls, it could not be defended(Here is the passive voice), not from the south, or east, or west; but it was only the north that concerned the Night's Watch, and to the north loomed the Wall.
Active verbs show action. Passive verbs show a state of being or existing.
我翻译成:主动语态表示动作;被动语态表示状态。大家根据这个原则再去看 it could not be defended 这句话,就会发现这里用被动语态更合适。


I slept soundly last week when the doorbell's ringing jarred me awake. A strange man stood at the door.

最最后,如果对阅读《冰与火之歌》原版有兴趣的同学,我回答了一个问题,如何阅读《冰与火之歌》英文原版? - 刘宇波的回答 大家可以看看是否有帮助。不过暂时没有写完... 因为一想写这个答案,就控制不住自己的去继续读原著小说了 = =

While women will often refer to themselves as "girls" (as in spending a "girl's night out" on the town with friends), if a man calls them a girl, he might get slapped.
baby: 0-2岁的婴儿
toddler: 刚会走路不久的小孩
the terrible two's: 这个短语很有意思,就是指两岁的小朋友。通常这个年纪开始,小朋友开始渴望独立,与此同时又高度依赖父母,所以很难管教。最近刚接触了一个朋友家的两岁小朋友,深有感触...... 大家在Google搜索 the terrible two's,会看到很多类似于“How to tackle the Terrible Two's” 或者 "How to manage the Terrible Two's and stay sane" 一类的文章......
youngster: 现在大多描述不到10岁的小孩子,不过更早一些,不到25岁的人都可以用这个词描述。
child: 18岁以前基本上都可以。尤其是十几岁的青年。
kindergartener: 上幼儿园的小朋友,一般是3-6岁。
primary school age child: 小学1-3年级的小朋友。
middle school age child: 一般指4-6年级的小朋友。
junior high school age child: 一般指7-9年级的小朋友。
high school student: 9年级以上的学生。
当然了,以上的不同阶段school age child的划分没有绝对,有的时候会有一些重合。
teenager: 13-19岁的青少年。
girl: 十四五岁的小姑娘。成年女性也可以称自己和自己的女性朋友们 girl hu girls
young woman: 从十几岁到二三十岁的女性都可以。也要看说话人的年龄。
young lady: 和young woman差不多,不过通常用于母亲生气教育自己的孩子的时候。比如:
Young lady, please get in here and do these dishes right now!
young man: 一般用于母亲(或者长辈)叫自己家十几岁的男孩。
man / woman: 18岁以上的成年人。

当然了,除了以上这些 Sedgehead 提到的叫法,我还做了一些功课,还有很多称呼,大家可以灵活使用,不一定非要叫boys 或者 girls哦。比如:
young adult; juvenile; adolescent; junior; stripling; whippersnapper; young one; little one; infant; clad; lady; lass; gentleman; youth; minor; schoolboy; shaver; etc.

3,a lot of
a lot of 是非常非正式的一个说法。在正式的英语写作中(比如简历,CV,或者正式信函中),应该避免使用。尝试替换成:many, a considerable amount of, a large number of, etc.
反正这个错误我总是犯,总觉得a lot of似乎更强调很多。但其实这个用法不够正式。

advice, furniture, evidence, research, shrimp, slang, stuff
advices, furnitures, evidences, researches, shrimps, slangs, stuffs
kinds of advice, stacks or types or rooms full of evidence, styles of furniture, types of research, slang words, kinds of stuff.

bacterium, herbarium, aquarium, genus, species.
bacteria, herbaria, aquaria, genera, species.

5 关于长句子
What is true is that well written long sentences are better than poorly written short sentences.
不过我的感觉是,看一些更学术一些的非虚构类书籍,长句子会更多一些。有兴趣的同学可以翻一翻《思考快与慢》的原版(Think, Fast and Slow)。

在这里,我们要讨论的重点其实不是长句子,而是所谓的 run-on sentences 。(我不确定怎么翻译合适,我理解就是可以不停地接下去的句子...)比如:
This sentence, an example of a run-on sentence, is far too long, this is because I have used commas to separate sentences instead of period, so that by writing many phrases and connecting them with commas, I am creating a run on sentence; sometimes you can use a semicolon correctly to separate independent like I'm doing here; that can create a run-on sentence too, as you can see this run on sentence still has no end because it keeps running on and on and on and on and on which gets very tedious after a while because your mind wants the sentence to end, and it never does seem to end, that's because the author has used incorrectly to connect a variety of phrases that should end with periods.

If connecting two complete sentences into one, a semicolon often works; this sentence is a good example.
2)如果句子只有一部分有明确的主语和谓语,其他部分都是依赖于这一部分的从句(Dependent Clause),那么使用这种run-on的写法是没问题的。比如:
The boy waited, his hands dripping water, the sweat on his head making wish he was next, watching the boy in front of the line grab the rope, swing over the water, and dive into the river, like he himself wanted to do again.

这里,对于分号有必要说一下。英语中分号的用法和中文完全不同。中文里分号一般用在排比句。但是在英文中,分号用于分隔独立的从句(Independent Clause)。比如:
The boy sat in the blue hat sat on a long because he was lonely; and then it started to rain.

同位语这个词太文绉绉了,是个语法概念,我们不是严肃的语法课,我也不知道怎么严肃的介绍它...... 简单来说,就是有的时候,我们在写了一个名词或者代词以后,可能需要重复一下同样的这个名词或者代词所指代的内容,从另一个角度再描述它一下。比如:
The black dog, the dog that bit me, has still not been captured.
可以看到,the dog that bit me 重复了它要描述的 the black dog。此时,the dog that bit me 就是一个同位语,重点是,他的正确用法就是在这个同位语之前加个逗号就好了!非常简单,非常正确。再举几个例子:
That woman, the one in the red dress, is my beautiful wife.
The singing frog, the frog on the rock, is calling for a mate.
That iceberg, the one that would sink the Titanic, was probably calved off the coast of Greenland.

I don't believe that!
The study included a method that used freezing temperatures.
I do believe that rich people are usually not that happy.
I think that you should learn from this experience.
He did it so that his girlfriend would be happy.
I have something that will keep you smiling.


I don't believe what you said!
The study included a method using freezing temperatures.
I do believe rich people are usually not very happy.
I think you should learn from this experience.
He did it so his girlfriend would be happy.
I have something which will keep you smiling.

8,关于连接词 and
首先,在句子开头不要使用 And,否则显得很不正式。虽然这样做在口语中没有错,而且其实我们在口语中会经常这么做。但是在正式的写作中,如学术论文;商业信件;简历等,不要这么做。用以下词替换And:
Also; Therefore; Furthermore; In addition
P.S. 科学期刊更喜欢 Also,因为这个词更短 = =

Roy and I went to the store. We are good friends with the guys in the dorm and some people we go to class with. Sometimes, when I lay awake at night and look at the stars, I wonder what is out there in space. I can't sleep well sometimes and have to count to myself to go to sleep.
Roy, and I went to the store. We are good friends with the guys in the dorm, and some people we go to class with. Sometimes, when I lay awake at night, and look at the stars, I wonder what is out there in space. I can't sleep well sometimes, and have to count to myself to go to sleep.
Roy, John, and I are good friends.
Roy, John and I are good friends.
Roy and I are good friends and we went to the store with Marcy and Melinda.
Roy and I are good friends, and we went to the store with Marcy and Melinda.
或者也可以将一个and用 as well as 来替换,让整个句子更容易理解,比如:
Roy and I we went to the store with Marcy and Melinda as well as went swimming later.


Dogs, cats, and mice eat meat, mice, and grain, respectively.V7b财富国际


The twin girls, Obama, and Putin danced all night.V7b财富国际



Dogs, catsand mice eat meat, miceand grain, respectively.V7b财富国际


The twin girls, Obamaand Putin danced all night.V7b财富国际

歧义:Obamaand Putin是一对双胞胎,她们两个人一整夜都在跳舞。V7b财富国际

Dogs, cats, and mice eat meat, mice, and grain, respectively.
Dogs eat meat, cats eat mice, and mice eat grain.
The results show the Arkansas Ozark Mountain, Arkansas River, and Missouri Ozark Mountain plant communities received 35, 30, and 43 inches of rain each year and 4-10, 0-2, and 4-10 inches of snow each winter, respectively.
The results show the Arkansas Ozark Mountain plant community received 35 inches of rain each year and 4-6 inches of snow each winter, the Arkansas River plant community received 30 inches of rain each year and 0-2 inches of snow each winter, and the Missouri Ozark Mountain plant community received 43 inches of rain each year and 4-10 inches of snow each winter.

但一定注意,respectively只能使用在这种一一对应的一系列的单词中(Words in a series)。下面的respectively的使用方式是错误的:
The results show the Arkansas Ozark Mountain plant community received 35 inches of rain each year and 4-6 inches of snow each winter, respectively.

Because I am busy treating some calculated data.
Because I am busy treating some calculated data, I've not sent you an email.
Because I am busy treating some calculated data, my girlfriend feels neglected.
I can't meet you for lunch, because I am busy treating some calculated data.
My dog bit me, because I am busy treating some calculated data.

11,Besides 和 Aside from
很多中国朋友喜欢使用 Besides,但是有的时候,Aside from会更合适。虽然在口语中,这两个词可以互相替换使用,不过在正式的英文写作中,Aside from通常更适合用于句首。

Aside from 后面更适合直接加名词,表示“除了...”;

Aside from football, I don't watch many sports on TV.
Aside from her, I don't have any female friends.
Aside from cats and dogs, I really like having pets.
Besides, I don't like you very much anyway.Besides, I burned the cake.
Aside from the guy that hit me, I also don't like you very much anyway.
Aside from supper, I also burned the cake.

下面是不自然的句子,大家体会一下Besides和Aside from的区别。
Besides football, I don't watch many sports on TV.
Besides her, I don't have any female friends.
Besides cats and dogs, I really like having pets.

12,whole 和 entire

This entire group of species is crepuscular.


This whole group of species is crepuscular.

I won't do that.
You want me to kill the kittens so we don't have to find homes for them? I will not do that!

It isn't me. It's not me.
她将 It is not me. 这句话说了两遍。缩写的位置不一样。第二句话更强调了一遍not,即强调不是我。配合上语气,这么一个短小简单的台词很有意思:)

14,HOWDY 和其他非正式英语
可能大家会在美剧,电影或者小说里看到这样的打招呼的方式“Howdy!”。不要用在正式写作中。Howdy 这种非正式的打招呼方式,是美国中南部或者西南部使用的。比如Texas的牛仔们...

同样,还有很多非正式的英语不要使用在正式的写作中。比如 got, gonna, LOL, Ha!, 等等等等。

很多中国人可能习惯使用Nowadys。这个单词非常的老,可能英式英语的写作中还会使用它。但是在现代美国英语中,很少见到这个单词。可以考虑使用 these days 来替换。(嗯,我以前就经常使用Nowadays这个词...)

On the Christmas Bird Count, I saw four Ospreys, two Bewick's Wrens, seven Harris' Sparrows, and about four and a half million Starlings.


On the Christmas Bird Count, I saw 4 Ospreys, 2 Bewick's Wrens, 7 Harris' Sparrows, and about four and a half million Starlings.

2,143 and 5,382,000 and 19,003.

0.143 and 0.00000005 and 0.019.


.143 and .00000005 and .019.

17,时间(Time Units)
Time Units就是指描述时间的词或者短语。有些非常明显,比如:
today, tomorrow, yesterday, in a few minutes, in an hour
anyway, some time, after a while, later

在英语写作中,Time Units和句子的其他部分之间通常有逗号。Time Units通常放在句子的起始位置或者结尾位置,不过其实在句子的任何位置都可以。比如下面的例子:
Yesterday, I went to the store.
I went to the store, yesterday.
I went, yesterday, to the store.
Tomorrow, I will go to school.
Anyway, I'm waiting for the weekend.
Someday, I hope to go to China.

有的时候,Time Units可以作为引导语来使用,比如:
Today, I am writing a blog.
Tomorrow, I will write a blog.
Yesterday, I wrote a blog.
Last week, I kissed a dog.
Sometime, I should wash my lips.
Anytime, you can kiss me!
对于一些不属于Time Units的引导语,这一原则(加逗号)依然适用。比如:
Specifically, I should not have said that.
However, I already said it.
Therefore, my wife probably won’t kiss me.
In addition, the cat won’t lick me.
Moreover, I don’t think I want to kiss the dog again.
Anyway, I hope you understand.


Venus, Mars, and Jupiter
the earth, sun, and moon
为什么?因为他们非常普遍(more common and less exceptional)。同样的,互联网也是普遍的。他不像是某一种特定的品牌,比如 Milky Way candy bars;或者一种特定的语言,比如 Spanish 或者 English。我们都使用一个普遍的互联网,除非是朝鲜的互联网(嗯,这里Sedgehead黑了朝鲜一把,放过了中国。他说朝鲜的互联网可以使用the North Korean Internet)。互联网就像是一个很普遍的事物,就好比海洋(the ocean),陆地(the land)和城市(the city),而不是某个特殊的大洋(the Pacific Ocean),或者某个特殊的国家或大陆(the Australia);或者某个特殊的城市(the New York)。因此,Sedgehead倾向于在句子中间出现互联网一词时,不要大写I写成Internet,而是写作internet

city, man, woman, ship, province, country, religion
New York, Lu Changji, Sally, The Queen Mary, Jilin Province, Malaysia, Bhuddism.
Jilin Province
Jilin and Fujian provinces
Sedgehead表示经常在中国人的写作中,看到 Jilin and Fujian Province 这样的错误。


Israeli Strike Kills 11 CiviliansV7b财富国际

EPA Turns Down States' Request for Ethanol WaiverV7b财富国际

School Official Loses Appeal on Sexual Abuse ReportingV7b财富国际

Norfork Council Sets Meeting AgendaV7b财富国际

Library to Close for ThanksgivingV7b财富国际

Consumers Hesitant to Upgrade to Windows 8V7b财富国际

这里大家注意,标题的关键词(Major words)首字母均为大写。有些人也喜欢将标题中的所有词的首字母均大写。还有些人愿意将标题第一个词以及所有的专有名词的首字母大写。这些都是对的,没有一个绝对的原则,大家可以随便选取。



注:Sedgehead表示,很多人请他修改文章,每页纸$10,它要做的事情就是在英文标点符号后添加空格;删除标点符号以前的空格;以及检查每句话的第一个单词首字母大写,等等等... = =

21,-, –,—, −, hyphen, emdash, endash, minus sign, Figure dash
最后这一条完全让我惊呆了。首先,这五个符号,在英文输入法下,我只能打出-,就是hyphen。Sedgehead也表示,其他符号需要使用Word的符号工具... 其次,我学习了两个新单词,虽然我不确定我以后真的会使用它们。而且这两个单词和他们所表示的符号一样,近乎没有区别。他们是:emdash和endash...嗯,这两个单词中阶科林斯都没有收录... Anyway,让我们看看他们的区别...

Hyphen (-)V7b财富国际

用于一些单词间的连接。我们在键盘上可以直接打印出来这个字符。如:wind-up clock; Smith-Jones.V7b财富国际

Endash (–)V7b财富国际

用于表示区间,如:May–June, 14 May–20 June, 57–99 m, 2011–2012, or in references, 44(1):355–374.V7b财富国际

Minus sign (−)V7b财富国际

用于表示负号。如:−42°C, −4°C– −2°CV7b财富国际

注意第二个例子里,有两个表示负号的Minus sign (−) 和一个表示区间的Endash (–) ... = =V7b财富国际

Emdash (—)V7b财富国际


Emdash is used for “setting off” phrases in sentences—in this way—much like using an appositive such as the following (dog, and “one [dog]”); the black dog, the one that bit me, is over there.

Figure dash ()V7b财富国际

用于电话号码中。如:010‒12345678 ... 比较了一下,这个符号真的不是hyphen (-)V7b财富国际




最后,关于本文开始我提到的political correctness的文章,我仔细分析了一遍,放在了这个答案下:今日美国的「政治正确」标准是否过头了? - 刘宇波的回答 。通过这个过程,我学到了很多美国的文化和历史,包括社会的变迁和发展方式:)
刘宇波 1小时前 0条评论
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The elements of style 很老的书了,其中一些内容也很简单,但非常实用。

美国大学英语写作 教你写essay的一本好书,书如其名,很多美国大学用作教材。

The art of fiction 如果想以英文写作为职业,这本书值得一读。

On writing well 又是本老书,但同样经典,笔调还挺幽默。

但是无论是任何一本书,想要 快速 提高写作能力都不可能。因为写作,或者说英语的能力都是积累所得。能速成的,只有考试技巧。切记切记。
秦朗 1小时前 0条评论
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