
发布日期:2018-06-02 来源:财富国际在线 阅读:
Toxic,venomous和poisonous有什么区别? 匿名用户 5小时前 198 toxic 生物 化学 英语
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poisonous: 是指本身有毒的 比如某人吃了个蘑菇 挂了 那么这个蘑菇就是poisonous
venomous: 是指含毒液的“有毒”~ 比如某人被蛇咬了 挂了 那么这个蛇就是venomous
(简单来说 :你咬它 你挂了 它就是poisonous/它咬你 你挂了 它就是venomous)
toxic最好理解了~就是有毒的物质 一般指化学物质 比如工厂排放的有毒烟雾 toxic smoke
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Here are some differences about these three adjective's original nouns.
  • Toxins: (man-made) toxic compounds of natural origin as opposed to toxicants.
  • Venom: Generally injected by some mechanism. Ex.snakes.
  • Poison: Creatures whose tissues are partly or entirely toxic.
- Do not have a means to inject poison
- Humans exposed through ingestion. Ex. puffer fish

Reference: Human Toxicology Lecture notes: Animal Toxin. (2015). William M. Caudle.
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