
发布日期:2018-06-05 来源:财富国际在线 阅读:
澳大利亚人及英国人之间的平民情节是什么的? xueshigao2 2小时前 59 What's the modern-day mentality/relationship between Austrilia and the UK like?
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"The Australia-Britian relationship is pretty much like the Taiwan-China relationship. The Australians f*cking hate the Brits, but they actually all come from there originally (the ancestors of the Australians). It so often happens that in major World Wars the UK say to them: 'hey we got this really bloody battle ahead and why don't you guys go out and sacrifice yourselves hitting them'.

So it's like Taiwanese who hate mainland Chinese but are forced to talk about China all the time coz it's the topic of today.

xueshigao2 1小时前 0条评论
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