iPhone 系列是否是好的商务手机?为什么?

发布日期:2018-05-28 来源:财富国际在线 阅读:

iPhone 系列是否是好的商务手机?为什么?

狼大人 2小时前 75 iphone “People talk about iPhones being consumer devices, not enterprise,” said Frieberg, vice president of product marketing and end-user computing at VMware. “But every meeting I walk into, nine out of ten phones are iPhones. They’re clearly the tool of choice by far for organizations.” [...] You might even say that iOS is the most corporate-friendly OS on the market right now. 1. Why businesses… 0 0 其他回答 接 祁熙晋
工具就是工具,不能成为拐杖。 热心网民 2小时前 0条评论 0 0 统一标准,便于管理。
Apple - iOS 7 热心网民 2小时前 0条评论 0 0 登录后可回答 提交回答
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