
发布日期:2018-06-09 来源:财富国际在线 阅读:
From身份验证的User.Identity.IsAuthenticated为什么永远也false? 刘延瑞 2小时前 194 不是cookie没有响应回来的问题,无论怎么刷,就是不行,无语了,麻烦给看下
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你确定你SignIn了吗。。。 热心网民 1小时前 0条评论
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In short, the User object is set earlier in the http://ASP.NET pipeline, long before the requested http://ASP.NET page's code is executed. Now, on thesubsequent visit, the http://ASP.NET runtime will see the forms authentication ticket and User.Identity.IsAuthenticated will be true, but not on this request.

I really hope this makes sense.

In any event, in the LoggedIn event handler there's no need to check if the user is authenticated - you already know they are! The LoggedIn event wouldn't fire otherwise. Also, you won't be able to get the username from User.Identity.Name. Instead, use LoginControlID.Username.73x财富国际

Happy Programming! 73x财富国际

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