
发布日期:2018-05-27 来源:财富国际在线 阅读:


David Rand 7小时前 148 哈佛大学 大学 我今年20岁,女生,初中毕业了以后高中读了一半就因为家庭原因辍学了。但是考上哈佛的建筑系是我一辈子的梦想。听起来很可笑。但是我真的很想去做这个梦。我不知道我要怎么去做,就算希望渺茫我也想去尝试。我想问问,美国大学只招中国的应届毕业生吗?我们这种没有高中毕业证的有没有什么办法?需要参加什么考试? 希望您别嘲笑我,帮帮我!谢谢 0 0 其他回答 Thanks for the A2A (谢邀)


Harvard's Architecture Department is the Graduate School of Design. The lowest level degree they offer is a Master's Degree. So first you'll need to get a Bachelor's Degree. But you currently don't even have a high school diploma. That's okay. You can do this.

First you need to get take the GED. This is a high school equivalency exam that is available to people of all ages. In the United States there are people just like you who do to whatever reasons didn't complete high school at age 18.

Once you have your GED you'll be able to apply to colleges. I'm not going to go into too much detail. You should do this research on your own. If you want to go to college in the US you need to be able to read a college website and do this research on your own. Community colleges may be a good place to start. You can study there for two years, then transfer to a State University. You can try to major in architecture as an undergraduate. Not every school has an undergraduate program in architecture, though (for instance, Harvard doesn't).

Once you've got your college degree, then you can finally apply to Harvard. It's not as difficult to get into the Harvard School of Design as it is to get into Harvard College. There are lots of Chinese students who get in every year. That said, you'll probably be wise not to pin all your hopes on Harvard alone, as it is still a very competitive school in the architecture field. You should look at other architecture programs as well, there are lots of good ones.

It sounds like your family probably isn't rich. Keep in mind that all of this will cost money. Community colleges and public universities are cheaper than private ones, but for international students you'll often have to pay more, unless you win some scholarships.

I'm going to give you some advice about the "Harvard Dream". I don't mean to pour cold water over your dreams, but in all honesty your dream is a cliché. So many people say "my dream is to go to Harvard". Why? Because it's the only foreign school they know. Let's face it, it's a famous brand. But because it's the only school so many people know, it gets so many more applications and is much harder to get into. When I went to Harvard the acceptance rate was about 10%. Now, it's 5%, so it's gotten twice as difficult to get into Harvard in a short period of time. A significant amount of that can be traced directly to a huge increase in applicants from China.

I say to anyone who says "my dream is to go to Harvard" to re-evaluate your dream, because chances are you won't get into Harvard. But never fear! There are hundreds, no, thousands of great universities and colleges in the United States. There are so many colleges that aren't even on Chinese peoples' radars. You guys should be doing a lot more research on colleges whose name isn't Harvard or one of the other famous ones. I know, your parents will get more "face" if you go to a "famous" school, but your parents' face isn't the reason you're going to college, is it? You're going to college to get an education, to challenge yourself, to learn how to think in new ways. And in America you can do that in a wide range of colleges, from large to small, urban to rural, private to public, religious to secular. There are myriad resources out there on these kinds of colleges. I encourage you to learn more on your own. Don't be lazy. Zhihu can't do your work for you. Good luck. David Rand 6小时前 0条评论 0 0 美国在读本科建筑生终于看到了一个自己能帮上忙的问题。






本科是不是建筑没有关系,因为哈佛,以及大部分有建筑研究生院的大学都有MArch I 和 MArch II。前者给非建筑本科的人上,大约要3-3年半,后者针对建筑本科毕业的学生,一年半毕业。这两个得到的硕士学位是一样的,所以本科读不读建筑都行,不读建筑的话最好还是读一个稍微有点关系的,比如城市规划,以后工作也许用得上。




题主的情况,现在直接申请哈佛希望渺茫,但是如果题主能先在美国或加拿大上一个本科,相信到申研究生时语言关一定已经早早攻破。并且上本科时多做些与建筑相关的project, 上建筑以及艺术、设计类的课程丰富作品集,还是有希望的!


我在这里就是给题主以及有同样想法的人建议一个大方向,细节上要自己把好关。很多人认为这种梦想是天方夜谭,但其实只是要走一条可能走完但比常规申请困难的路才能实现。我认识有人用这种迂回战术上了女神校,所以也祝题主能达到目标! 拉米 6小时前 0条评论 0 0 登录后可回答 提交回答
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