
发布日期:2018-05-30 来源:财富国际在线 阅读:


talich 3小时前 114 在美国白宫一篇文章中指出,奥巴马一些有利中产阶级、并帮助更多的人进入中产阶级的政策。President Obama has advanced a number of policies to give greater opportunity for the middle class and those striving to join the middle class.Education is critical to economic mobility, and the President’s proposal for universal, high-quality pre-school would make sure that every child – regardless of their fa… 0 0 其他回答 谢邀。



1. The Abecedarian Project
The Abecedarian project was a carefully controlled scientific study of the potential benefits of early childhood education for poor children. Four cohorts of individuals, born between 1972 and 1977, were randomly assigned as infants to either the early educational intervention group or the control group.
  • Children from low-income families received full-time, high-quality educational intervention in a childcare setting from infancy through age 5.
  • Each child had an individualized prescription of educational activities.
  • Educational activities consisted of "games" incorporated into the child's day.
  • Activities focused on social, emotional, and cognitive areas of development but gave particular emphasis to language.
  • Children's progress was monitored over time with follow-up studies conducted at ages 12, 15, and 21.
  • The young adult findings demonstrate that important, long-lasting benefits were associated with the early childhood program.

  • Children who participated in the early intervention program had higher cognitive test scores from the toddler years to age 21.
  • Academic achievement in both reading and math was higher from the primary grades through young adulthood.
  • Intervention children completed more years of education and were more likely to attend a four-year college.
  • Intervention children were older, on average, when their first child was born.
  • The cognitive and academic benefits from this program are stronger than for most other early childhood programs.
  • Enhanced language development appears to have been instrumental in raising cognitive test scores.
  • Mothers whose children participated in the program achieved higher educational and employment status than mothers whose children were not in the program. These results were especially pronounced for teen mothers.

2. HighScope Perry Preschool Study through Age 40
This study — perhaps the most well-known of all HighScope research efforts — examines the lives of 123 children born in poverty and at high risk of failing in school.

From 1962–1967, at ages 3 and 4, the subjects were randomly divided into a program group that received a high-quality preschool program based on HighScope's participatory learning approach and a comparison group who received no preschool program. In the study's most recent phase, 97% of the study participants still living were interviewed at age 40. Additional data were gathered from the subjects' school, social services, and arrest records.
123 名贫困家庭儿童,在3-4岁时,被随机分组,决定是否接受高质量学前教育。实验对像一直跟踪到最近的 2005 年(40岁时)


受过学前教育的 program group 的犯罪率低,工资高,学历高,智力高,成绩好。作者认为学前教育的投资收益比可达到 12.9 倍。

提高最低工资标准是否会损害贫困者的利益? - 经济学

欢迎补充。 talich 2小时前 0条评论 0 0 奥黑是美国历史上最大的中产屠杀者
不过我大美利坚武德不衰,只要每年报税时能看到这么个你不买保险我就罚你钱的侮辱性项目摆在那儿,这狗屁政策就长命不了 天火焚城 2小时前 0条评论 0 0 登录后可回答 提交回答
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